Dr. Christian Groth was born and raised outside of Detroit, Michigan. After graduating from Emory University, he spent 7 years in Ann Arbor, Michigan completing his dental and orthodontic training. As an early adopter of emerging technologies he was lucky enough to join a practice (TDR Orthodontics) that has been on the cutting-edge of orthodontic treatment for the better part of two decades. Having a group practice has allowed TDR to evaluate, test, and implement many technologies that may be too scary for a single provider. TDR is a large Invisalign practice, has consistently been the largest user of SureSmile in the world over the last 10 years, and owns operates a digital orthodontic & 3D printing lab, called Motor City Lab Works. A published author, Dr Groth’s articles have appeared in the Journal of Clinical Orthodontics and the Progressive Orthodontist. He is a frequent speaker on the benefits of 3D technology in orthodontics, including a presentation at the most recent AAO midwinter meeting. He is married with two children.

Tune into this episode to learn about:

-How to practice in a sucessful partnership
-The intraoral scanner market in 2017
-Costs and benefits of implementing scanners in your practice
-Whether you should consider a 3D printer in your office
-What is cutting edge and what is bleeding edge in digital orthodontics

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